Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hello Again!

Hello all,

We had a great day today.We completed the construction projects on Friday so we spend the second half of that day and then the first half of today building benches for the Port Au Prince church.

At about 11 we headed up to the Haiti baptist Mission which is located way up at the top of tv mountain overlooking Port Au Prince. It was neat to see. It is just amazing to drive through this country and see the immense poverty.

One of the guys went and visited one of the boys who used to be in the orphanage in Tricotte. Michelin is now about 20 years old and lives in PAP. He is an amazing young man of God. He does work for Starfish when we have it, but that is far and few between.He currently pays hi own rent and supports his 2 sisters as well. His parent live in Northern Haiti and are very, very poor. Michelin's house is in a very poor part of town, there is no electricity, it is one 10' x 10' room which all of them share and it smells terribly of human waste as does the entire area. It truly is hard to imagine what these people have to endure day after day after day.

What broke my heart is that Michelin shares that He was saving up his money in order to afford to to on a Mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Here is a young man with literally nothing, but what he has he wants to use to reach out to others to share
Christ. I just can't wrap my mind around that level of selflessness.

The team is tired and has now arrived at the Visa Lodge in Port Au Prince. This hotel has a pool and air conditioned sleep so the group is getting much needed rest and a great nights sleep.

Roger is taking some quiet time and finalizing his notes for his sermon tomorrow in Bethel. It will be so near to have spent all that time there working on those homes, to now get the opportunity to worship with them in church. Looking backnover our trip we can all agree that God is good, he is more than we can imagine to us and has blessed us beyond measure this trip. We miss you all very much and are so excited to come home and be back with our family and friends.

See you soon, God Bless!

The Team

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