Thursday, January 29, 2009

Over the River and through the woods

Hello All, we deeply apologize for the delays in getting our blog updated! We are however alive and doing well and having and absolute blast.

Our first day was supposed to just be a staging day, but we ended up getting started and completing and entire house! Our team is putting on the roof and the cement floor. We are ahead of schedule here at day 5, we have completed 4 houses as of today and plan to do the final 2 tomorrow!

We have been so blessed by the recieving families. There was one in particular today that the man was so touched he stepped over his cultural barrier and was literally brought to tears and hugged us. Not just a casual hug, but a sincere hug that didn't want to let go. His wife was right behind him equally as blessed fishing out hugs and thanks!!

Today was an adventure, we didn't get to drive to our house, we needed to hike 20 minutes up the mountain in the heat of the day with all of our tools including the generator. It was very exciting...and hot. I we were even attacked by a donkey, it may have been demon possessed, or just mad, either way, it was on a mission to take Tobey out.

It was also staggering to walk through the river channels and see the depth the water reached during the Hurricane. It was 20' in places literally roaring through peoples homes. The scariest part is that the villagers tell us that in 1 hour it went from no water to a raging river tearing their homes away. So sad.

All in all, we are having a blast, enjoying Christ, and loving the people of Haiti. We miss you all!

God Bless

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